GIA Certified Foresight Professional GIA-CFP® Virtual Training - Arabic
Mon, 01 May
|Interactive Virtual Online Training Session
Envisioning and Shaping the Future

Time & Location
01 May 2023, 5:00 PM GST – 04 May 2023, 10:30 PM GST
Interactive Virtual Online Training Session
About the event
It is widely recognized that a key area for the development of leaders and managers is their ability to think strategically and to apply new, counter-intuitive ways of thinking and innovative approaches to solving challenges and exploiting future opportunities. This program will provide leaders and managers with a flexible and adaptable framework for thinking strategically and exploring strategies for the benefit of their organization.
The future is not an empty space, but like the past, it is an active factor in the present. How we think about the future directly impacts the strategic decisions we make today. In this era of complexity and accelerated change, we must intentionally create the right future for ourselves and our organizations. Future thinking can turn a complex and ambiguous world into a map of new innovations, possibilities, and opportunities.
This interactive training program is designed to develop the advanced skills required for strategic leaders, futurists, corporate planners, scenario thinkers, and corporate game changers responsible for shaping the future of their organizations. Hence, the primary objective of this training program is to help foresight practitioners effectively contribute to the foresight efforts of their organizations.
Upon successful completion of this interactive program, participants will be able to:
1. Lead corporate foresight efforts
2. Empower and motivate a corporate foresight culture
3. Identify drivers of change, trends, weak signals, and wild cards
4. Effectively use the global foresight framework
5. Efficiently apply a structured foresight process
6. Develop a future-foresight-driven strategy
7. Lead the construction of the scenario matrix and scenario planning efforts
8. Motivate future thinking and corporate reinvention to meet future challenges
9. Professionally use foresight methods, tools, and techniques, including horizon scanning, future wheels, scenarios, the Delphi technique, trend analysis, forecasting, visioning, and backcasting.
Module 1 – Understanding Future Foresight
- The VUCA World
- Complexity and Accelerated Change
- Defining Future Foresight
- The Six Foresight Principles
Module 2 – The Future Foresight Process Framework
- The Future Foresight Framework
- Exploring A Range of Futures
- Foresight Methods, Tools & Techniques
- Building Strategic Foresight Capacity
Module 3 – The Strategic Intelligence Scanning
- What, Why, and When to Scan
- Trends, Weak Signals & Wild Card
- Scanning Methods, Tools & Techniques
- Environmental Scanning Approaches
Module 4 – Foresight Analysis In Action
- Assumptions impact on the analysis
- Trend analysis Method
- Emerging Issues Analysis
- The Future Wheels Technique
Module 5 – Foresight Interpretation In Action
- The Foresight Interpretation Focus
- Interpretation Depth and Layers
- Interpretive Method, Tools & Techniques
- Causal Layered Analysis
Module 6 – Foresight Prospection In Action
- What Is Foresight Prospection?
- Prospection Methods & Techniques
- Experiencing The Future
- Backcasting Approach
Module 7 – The Scenario Planning Approach
- What and Why Scenario Planning
- The Scenario Planning Process
- Building the Scenario Matrix
- Implementing Scenario Planning
Module 8 – The Foresight-Driven Strategy
- The Strategic Landscape
- Foresight and Strategy
- Reframing Conventional Strategic Planning
- Moving to Foresight Driven Strategy
Find more details on this training program.
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